An iPhone application that links your location to a set of sounds.
Tag Archives: C/C++
Sun Run Sun
Small modules to generate sound based on location.
online version of G-Player
The sound of the world. In your pocket. The portable version of the G-Player4.
Berlin, Mitte der Welt
aka PAM, the Parochial Audio Messenger. An off-spring of Jens Brand‘s Global Player project where sound is generated based on the earth’s topography. Rather than following satellites, here the track is derived from the phone number the visitor dials, which points to the target location. The resulting sound is played to both ends of the phone line.
G-Player 4
What’s the sound of a giant turntable needle scratching across the earth’s surface? Find out by listening to the G-Player4 where satellites are tracked in realtime to mark a path across a world-wide topography. Data (altitude samples) from the SRTM Space Shuttle mission (2000) is interpreted 1:1 as audio data (amplitude samples).
Dual Nature
Constant Memory
Contracting work for mtronix, a Berlin company that specializes in precision measurement instruments. ETD is short for Eye Tracking Device, although, to be more precise, it’s actually the pupil that’s being tracked. The technology is being used for LASIK as well as for medical research on the vestibulear system and how our eyes can contribute to our sense of balance. In fact, the system has made it up to the International Space Station (ISS) where these effects are researched in zero-gravity. ETD is built around the same processor as the gluiph, the TriMedia.
Contracting work for mtronix, a Berlin company that specializes in precision measurement instruments. In mpd502 ‘pd’ is for ‘partial discharge’ which equates to energy lost along a power line. To measure this is crucial in determining the condition of the power system with the aim of being able to replace it just before it fails. mpd502 is built around the same processor as the gluiph, the TriMedia.