Tag Archives: Spatialization

Kleine Weltmaschine

Like “Berlin, Mitte der Welt” this is a spinoff of the G-Player series. As usual (some of) the sounds are a 1:1 interpretation of topographic data, this time imprinted on a vinyl disk that sits on top of an elaborate object that alludes to planetary motion. Above a chandelier-pendulum with a laser pointer “scratches” across the disk’s grooves which in turn is sonified and played back thru a rotating speaker, part of the above object.


Contracting work for twosuns, a Berlin multi-media company. Twister is part of the sound subsystem of enclued, an interactive multi-media development environment. Initially a multi-channel soundcard with embedded spatialization functionality, which was later moved to the host PC.


The Topophonien project marks the point at which I turned my hobby of building music-related electronics into a job. Prior to this I had mostly tinkered with various guitar effect circuits, so when Sabine Schäfer approached me in 1990 with a request if I could build her a computer controlled spatialization mixer this was a rather tall order. Starting with a small 4×8 matrix with noisy VCAs and limited control, we expanded over the years to ever bigger systems with up to 40 DSP-driven channels and realtime spatialization control.