COEXIS = COmpiler & Emulator for maX Incorporated SPIDER (SPIDER = SensorLab Programming Integrated Development Environment). A project from my early days at STEIM as an intern, COEXIS was the bold attempt to write a cross compiler between Max and the SensorLab’s programming language SPIDER. While the project never made it past the proof-of-concept phase, it resulted in a set of externals for dynamic object creation, i.e. self-modifying code (since Max 4.5 this has become easier with the new scripting options).
Tag Archives: Max/MSP
First Major Topophonien Installation at Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
After two smaller concerts at Schloss Gottesaue and Stephanssaal (both in Karlsruhe) the first major Topophonien installation took place at Badischer Kunstverein. Both 16- and 24-channel systems were used to their full extent…