Tag Archives: Matlab


Computer aided score generation of Balinesian Gender Wayang music, based on multi-channel envelope recordings. The recording system required a custom acquisition system as multi-channel audio interfaces were not available in the early 1990s. It was implemented by Thomas Ruoff and Pierre Dutilleux at FH and ZKM, Karlsruhe. I was involved in the later stages that dealt with the analysis of the accumulated data. Most of this was done in Matlab and its signal processing toolbox. Finally, a custom notation system was devised to take the specific playing styles into account.


Traguisma – the TRAnsient GUItar State MAchine. Or, if you prefer the official title: ‘Algorithms for Combined Sound Analysis and Synthesis and their Implementation in a Multi-Processor Environment’.

This was to become a ‘Diplom-Informatiker’, my graduation project. In short it was about improving guitar synthesizer, with a focus on the attack phases of a pluck, in particular re-plucking a string that’s already vibrating.

The intended target platform was GWIZ’ Infinity Box, but as this project was cancelled, I implemented it on CNMAT’s multi-DSP box Reson8.

Here’s the PDF