Tag Archives: Sensors


Contracting work for mtronix, a Berlin company that specializes in precision measurement instruments. In mpd502 ‘pd’ is for ‘partial discharge’ which equates to energy lost along a power line. To measure this is crucial in determining the condition of the power system with the aim of being able to replace it just before it fails. mpd502 is built around the same processor as the gluiph, the TriMedia.


A simplified way to approach the Chromasone is to call it a virtual piano, although that doesn’t tell the story by far. It is played with a pair of data gloves fitted with bending sensors that are connected to a SensorLab, which also takes care of the 3-D spatial tracking of the hands’ positions, and outputs MIDI data that feeds synthesizers and samplers. Rather than replacing the piano’s keyboard for thin air, the Chromasone provides a sort of ruler that acts as a playing reference and can be rotated & tilted to change parameter mappings. Most of the initial development was done by Bert Bongers.